
Saturday, November 28, 2015

Revising my Writing Process

This blog post will look over how my writing process and time management skills have evolved over the course of this first semester.

Alan, "Sleepy Time for the Ein Puppy", December 19, 2009
Attribution no-derivs, generic.
In blog posts 1.10, I wrote that I most considered myself a Heavy Reviser. I'd still say this is true, as a large chunk of my writing gets devoted to reading, re-reading, and editing my papers until I'm satisfied with them. I also said I wanted to be more of a Heavy Planner. I think I actually did become more of a Planner this year as well. As our blog posts typically require quite a bit of structure, I've noticed my rough drafts and outlines becoming more progressively outlined and detailed over time. I'm actually pretty happy with this, because it's made the transition from outline to full paper much easier. The clearest example would be project 3, where my outline was really intensely detailed and writing my paper was fairly smooth.

 In post 1.12, I said I was only going to have a couple free hours a day max. It ended up being more than I realized. Admittedly, I do spend quite a lot of time on homework, but have still managed to earn free time. I don't have as much time as I'd like to meet up with friends but I still manage to go out and get coffee with them from time to time, be a bum watching Netflix, and get some physical activity weekly (though my gym schedule is shall I say...nonexistent?). I've been really pretty good about not procrastinating this semester for the most part. I think the weekly structure of the posts helped a lot with that; I enjoy getting them done early because it's a large chunk of time I dedicate, and I like to enjoy my weekends (after I'm done working, of course). I'm pretty proud of myself actually in the fact that I get things done mostly early or at least on time.


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