
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

My Rhetorical Action Plan

This blog post will have a somewhat in-depth response to a list of ideas to help me build my paper more strongly. This includes looking at audience, genre, type of arguments made, etc.
P.S. Happy 50th post!

prettyinprint, "Party Animal" October 27th, 2008
Attribution no derivs 

This became a bit too lengthy for a blog post, so I created a Google doc which can be found HERE



  1. Like me, you were pretty thorough with your responses. I like how you break everything into bullet points which makes it a lot easier to read. I think the two genres you picked are suitable for your topic. Personally I would be interested to read something that is written for a magazine, but whichever works best for you. Good luck!

  2. I agree with Chloe you are very thorough but yeat you have concise and well developed answers. This is unlike me where I only used a paragraph for each. I think your way is better and more effective. It is very readable and detailed which will make the process of actually making the project easier. Both your genres would fit very well.

  3. Reading through your rhetorical action plan, I found it similar to mine. I did a similar format. Your descriptions were thorough and well written. My responses are not quite as thorough. I too feel that the genres you picked will be fitting for your argument. Good luck on project 3!


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